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The 14th Scientific and Technical Conference: Carbon Materials and Polymer Composites, Science and Industry '2022

The 14th Scientific and Technical Conference: Carbon Materials and Polymer Composites, Science and Industry '2022 was held on October 18-21, 2022. in Ustroń. 70 people attended the conference. The organizers' goal was to create a forum for the exchange of views and experiences, and to increase integration between the scientific community and industry. During the conference, participants presented the current results of their research and discussed the trends of further development in the production, research and application of carbon materials and polymer composites as well as raw materials for their production. During seven sessions, 25 papers were presented on the preparation, testing and application of carbon, polymer and ceramic materials and composites. 19 posters were presented during the poster session. On October 20, 2022, there was also a Meeting of the PTW Board and the Audit Section. Playing music together played a special role in the integration of scientists.


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Date: May 8th at 10:19pm