We develop science we support industry we shape the future

As a nationwide scientific association, we associate people who, together with us, conduct and promote research on carbon. We are a non-profit organization working for the public interest. We want to develop the Polish carbon materials industry through various R&D projects and cooperation with entrepreneurs. Our goal is also to disseminate knowledge about Polish scientific and technological achievements.

We have been organizing scientific meetings for 30 years; lectures, symposia or discussions. We were the organizers of, among others the international conference "Carbon for Energy Storage and Environment Protection" and the prestigious World Carbon Conference CARBON. Since 2000, as a full member, we have been participating in the research work of the European Carbon Association (ECA). which, apart from us, brings together national groups from:



27 September 1988

The Polish Graphite Society, currently functioning as the Polish Carbon Society, was created on 27 September 1988 during the 9th Polish Graphite Conference in Zakopane. The Founding Committee included : Aleksander Długosz, Mirosław Lebiedziejewski, Stefan Jasieńko, Jerzy Jastrzębski, Franciszek Rozpłoch, Kazimierz Skoczkowski. Prof. Aleksander Długosz became the first President of the Society.


22 February 1989

The Society was officially registered on 22 February 1989 at the District Court in Nowy Sącz. Since that time PGS developed vigorously, it prepared cyclic conferences on graphite and carbon. Unfortunately due to system and economic transformations in Poland at the turn of 1990’s, there was a break in organization of events.



The activity of the Society was revived in 1997 when Prof. Franciszek Rozpłoch was elected as the new PGS president, during a general meeting in Bachotek. From then on the Society organized various conferences that aroused a lot of interest, both in Poland and abroad, as for example the biannual “Torunian Carbon Symposium”. Introduction of the PGS into the European Carbon Association (ECA) was an important event of that time, on 12 July 2000 the Society became its full member alongside France, the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Ukraine and Portugal.


September 2005

New Board of the Society was elected on a general meeting in September 2005. Prof. Stanisław Błażewicz became the President of PGS. The beginning of his term was a time of many changes. PGS members unanimously decided that the name of the Society does not fully present its nature. As “graphite” is a more narrow term than “carbon”, a proposition was made to change the name from Polish Graphite Society to Polish Carbon Society. On the other hand the statute formulated at the end of 1980’s was obsolete both in terms of content and construction. After almost a year of work, on 24 November 2006 the District Court for Kraków Śródmieście accepted the new statute and name of the Society.


The statute of the Polish Carbon Society can be downloaded here Statut_PTW_2021.pdf